Posted by: incywincy | July 18, 2007

7 Bloggers I Admire Most

To spread some love in the blogosphere after all the negativity (and all the hate this afternoon), Rinaz has suggested that we post a blog with the above title.

So I shall start the ball rolling, and hereby present to you, 7 bloggers I admire most! 🙂

Doreen (aka Essentric)

The thing I admire most about her, I suppose, is her flair for writing. She always manages to turn a simple episode in her daily life into the funniest thing. Perhaps it is the way she describes it, or maybe it’s just her.

While she doesn’t blog daily, she still manages to have her small but steady group of readers happily anticipating her next entry. She muses about work, vain things (her hair, her nails), about her holidays, relationships, and family, and is probably the most underrated blogger in KL. Hehe. I kid you not.

Even though she is my sister (haha, betcha didn’t see that coming, didja!), I maintain that I am not being biased or intentionally promoting her blog – I do (really) admire her sense of humour and her style of writing!



The thing I admire most about her is her analytical mind, and how she picks thing apart and presents it to you in the most honest of ways, and still, be able to get you to agree with her, despite the controversy she sometimes kicks up. 

This lady with her quirky sense of humour is definitely one of my favourite bloggers! She cusses like an ah lian, writes like a scholar, and loves her cats like a, well, cat lover. Blinky is one of her cats. I’ve been reading her blog since I was in NIE (mid 2005, if my memory serves me well) and have been a big fan since! She writes about topics that are close to our hearts but never mentioned in newspapers, about the funny episodes with her Good Fren (aka boyfriend) and her fascination with ah bengs (just look at her blog roll).

I love the surprises she throws at her readers all the time. Smart, beautiful, and really really a good read.


Dorothy Ho


The thing I admire most about her is her collection of Hello Kitty things her life! No, really. She was a lecturer at NTU’s School of Communication and Information, and then she uprooted herself and moved to Seattle with her husband, Jay. She may not write fanciful things, just the things she observes in her life, but it is so very interesting to me! Simple things, portrayed in simple words, and many photos – that’s what won me over!

I stumbled upon her blog through the blog of a friend someone I used to know. That was some time in early 2006 – and I’ve been a fan ever since 🙂

Of course, she is also a big fan of Hello Kitty, and everyone knows I love Hello Kitty. Haha!



(Sorry I can’t really find any big photos of her!)

What I admire most about her is her designing skills, and her knack for writing really interesting reviews! Any advertiser who is looking to promote their restaurant should definitely sign her on as a reviewer!

She is honest about her reviews (sometimes she even gives one out of five stars), and her blog is such a visual treat for all. While not unknown in the blogosphere, I do think that she definitely has one of the best blogs around! Great writing, fabulous photos, interesting reviews, marvelous design, and really really intricate details – there’s nothing to not love about this blog.

I first stumbled upon her blog when I was googling the Sun with Moon restaurant last year, maybe, and got linked to this post. Have been reading her blog ever since (and I even read most of her archives already, haha). I got to know her through, and found that her personality is just as delightful as her blog 🙂


Yuka Suzuki

yuka (on the left) and her friend

The thing I admire most about her is her passion and her pride in her heritage – this shows clearly in the entries she writes, which really touched me at times.

I first got to know this Japanese-Chinese girl on, too, and the first entry I read was on her heritage. A relatively new blogger (I see that her blog began only in April, but I’m not sure if she has blogged elsewhere before), she writes on her life in Singapore as a half-Japanese, issues in Singapore, and often, on race, something close to her heart.

Although she is barely 20, her view on many issues is definitely admirable and worth taking note of.


Leslie Tay (aka ieatishootipost)

The thing I am most jealous admire most about him is how he is a doctor, and ye, still has the time to go sniff out all the great food in Singapore and write such mouthwatering reviews (with yummilicious photos) about them! One question, though: Doesn’t he worry about the unhealthiness of eating all those stuff, since he is a doctor? Haha.

Yet another blog that I got to know through, unlike the previous 2, I have never interacted with this blogger, though I read his blog almost religiously. He writes on, as you have probably guessed, food and only food! A hugely popular food blog, he has converted me the first time I laid eyes on his blog, to become a faithful follower.

In fact, I love his blog so much that I refer to it each time I am looking for a new place to eat, or if I want to know whether a restaurant is worth visiting or not. He writes a very comprehensive blog, and even categorizes entries according to the location where the food item or restaurant can be found, the type of food, as well as the name of the food item! Just remember not to read this blog when you have an empty stomach!



The thing I admire most about Kevin is his insanely engaging blog! I am a closet geek, so I find many things he writes about very interesting. He also has many many gadgets! I shan’t even begin to try to introduce this guy and what he does or writes about, but I just love his entries, collages, and gadgets! Haha!


Okay! I’m finally done with this whole “7 bloggers” thing, and I now want to tag the following 7 bloggers to write about the 7 bloggers they admire most! 🙂

1. Rinaz (how can we leave out the idea contributor?)
2. DK (and the one who seconded the idea?)
3. Sheylara (who tagged me but I had no time to reply yet)
4. Nicole
5. Wishbone
6. Tstar
7. NTT

Yay! Go spread the love! 🙂


  1. ACK! What if I don’t put you in my list?

  2. wishbone: u don’t need to, what! hahaha.. that’s the reason why i didn’t tag the people whom i’ve included in my list.. lest they feel obliged to name me one of their 7 fave bloggers. lol.

  3. […] , Life , Technology I was tagged. I have to put up a list of 7 bloggers whom I admire most. Daphne, you good. Since this blog is dealing with IT, I shall put a list of IT related blogs. I have put […]

  4. Ah… I ganna tagged. But this is a good tag. Will try to do it soon.

    But sad leh, Daphne don’t admire me. 😦

  5. DK: i voted for u in the awards already leh.. isnt that enough admiration? hehe.. 😛 u already know that i like ur blog mah. so i let OTHER people know tt i like their blog too! 😛

  6. why never nominate me for the most creative haiku composer? sob sob …

  7. jayson: because I am the most creative haiku composer. how can i anyhow promote my rival, right?! hahahaha.

  8. Err… I dun really follow bloggers leh… Dunno how to do ur tag.. 😦

  9. haha jus recommend 7 blogs u like then 🙂 hehe

  10. eeeee….smelly…
    i am the haiku guru cum haiku blogger founder cum hawt haiku blackbelt…

    we’ll let’s see who can compose the next compelling haiku in the next post comment in Veron’s blog …

  11. […] both Daphne and Kev tagged me with meme! Oh noes! *goes into a multitude of facial expressions* I thought for […]

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